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Download the Workbook Take some time offline and print and read the workbook. The What A printable workbook containing everything that you've learnt online. The Why It's good to take…
Andy Hollands

Resistance Bands

JTVCcHJlc3RvX3BsYXllciUyMGlkJTNEMTA3ODMlNUQ= Resistance Bands A simple way to practice on your own The What We are using the resistance bands to improve our top hand dominance.  The Why The bands help…
Andy Hollands


JTVCcHJlc3RvX3BsYXllciUyMGlkJTNEMTA3ODQlNUQ= Introduction to Tim Coyle Learn more about your cricketing supercoach.  The What Tim has been coaching cricket at the elite level for over 30 years. He's been involved in…
Andy Hollands

Recruiting the Bottom Hand

JTVCcHJlc3RvX3BsYXllciUyMGlkJTNEMTA3ODIlNUQ= Recruiting the bottom hand Step to the ball and drive with top hand control The What How to recruit the bottom hand for two handed vertical shot making, practicing…
Andy Hollands

Top Hand Front Foot Shots

JTVCcHJlc3RvX3BsYXllciUyMGlkJTNEMTA3ODElNUQ= Top Hand Front Foot Shots Using the short bat to work on top hand dominance.  The What How to practice control of the bat utilising the top hand and…
Andy Hollands

Downswing to impact

JTVCcHJlc3RvX3BsYXllciUyMGlkJTNEMTA3ODAlNUQ= Downswing to impact Keep the top hand in control at all times and keep it strong. The What How to correctly utilise our grip positions, and load position for…
Andy Hollands

Pickup to Load Position

JTVCcHJlc3RvX3BsYXllciUyMGlkJTNEMTA3NzklNUQ= Pickup to Load Position Getting ready to get that bat swinging The What How to pick the bat up from ground to an ending top position before swinging to…
Andy Hollands


JTVCcHJlc3RvX3BsYXllciUyMGlkJTNEMTA3NzglNUQ= Stance A balanced stance lets you move the feet into a good striking position The What How to achieve a comfortable, balanced stance when facing, which allows for foot…
Andy Hollands


JTVCcHJlc3RvX3BsYXllciUyMGlkJTNEMTA3NzclNUQ= Grip Creating an efficient grip to create efficient batting The What We are learning how to correctly hold the handle of the bat for shotmaking. The Why Having a…
Andy Hollands